Dr. Randy Jennings
Director of Special Education and Student Services
Bridget Nelson
Coordinator of Special Education
School Division Parent Liaison
Special Education
Administrative Secretaries: Caren Saunders, Teresa Walker, and Ashleigh Judd
School Social Worker: Anne Guthrie
BCBAs: Jude Barrett and Angie Davidson
School Psychologists: Deborah Coker, Paige Nielsen, and Kerry Sweeney
Special Education Parent/Family Liaison: Bridget Nelson
Ms. Nelson may be reached by email at bnelson@salem.k12.va.us or by phone at (540) 389-0130. The Parent/Family Liaison is experienced in supporting students and families with wraparound services, special education practices, and has knowledge of PEATC. Ms. Nelson looks forward to working with you and answering any questions that you may have about special education and helping you access other valuable resources.
Child Find
What is Child Find?
In accordance with Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia (2010), each local school division shall maintain an active and continuing child find program designed to identify, locate, and evaluate those children residing in the jurisdiction who are birth to age 21, inclusive, who are in need of special education and related services (34 FR 300.102 and 34 300.111).
Who do I contact if I’m concerned about my child?
If you have questions or comments about Special Education in Salem City Schools or are concerned about your child, call Dr. Randy Jennings, Director of Student Services, at (540) 389-0130.
Tell me more about Child Find.
Virginia Law states that local school divisions must identify and evaluate
children and youth ages birth through 21 years who may be disabled and need related services. If eligible, disabled children ages 2 through 21 years must be provided a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
Children with disabilities may be classified as having: Autism, a Developmental Delay,a Hearing Impairment, Deaf/Blind, a Speech or Language Impairment, an Intellectual Disability, an Emotional Disability, a Specific Learning Disability, an Orthopedic Impairment, a Visual Impairment, an Other Health Impairment, and a Traumatic Brain Injury.
Salem City Schools have many programs available to meet the individual and varied needs of students with disabilities.
How is it Determined that a Child May Need Special Education?
Before a student can receive special education services, a comprehensive evaluation must be conducted.
Whenever a child is having a school-related problem, and prior to any
individual testing, the parent is notified and written permission is obtained.
Information from the comprehensive evaluation is discussed at a special meeting with the school staff and the child’s parents to determine if the child has a disabling condition that adversely affects educational performance and requires specialized instruction.
Students approved for homebound instruction work with a licensed teacher in their home for a set number of hours per week. The homebound teacher works with the classroom teacher to provide essential instruction in the core subjects to each student. A limited number of courses are provided to high school students on homebound instruction. To find out more information, please click on the above link.
Hearing and Visually Impaired Students
Helpful Links
Special Education Guidance and Resource Documents
It is the policy of Salem City Public Schools to adhere to federal and state regulations as they have been promulgated by the United States Department of Education and the Virginia Board of Education to implement special education programs for children with disabilities. Specifically, these mandates are detailed in the Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia. and any additional documents that the Virginia Department of Education publishes to address federal and state statutes and regulations for delivering special education and related services to children.
The Special Education: Local Policies and Procedures for the Implementation of Special Education were approved on October 13, 2020. Questions related to this document should be directed to Randy Jennings, Director of Student Services. He may be contacted by phone at (540) 389-0130 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
You may view a copy of the Special Education Procedural Safeguards (Revised May 2024) by clicking on the following link:
Additional Resources:
Should you have questions regarding these resources or special education in Salem City Schools, please contact Randy Jennings, Director of Student Services at rjennings@salem.k12.va.us or the Special Education Parent/Family Liaison- Bridget Nelson at bnelson@salem.k12.va.us.